Things to Know About The Increasing Rate of Healthcare Scams

Health care insurance is an essential and a lump of emotional purpose that a person opts for better living. Health care insurance is a product that covers the medical and surgical expenses of an individual. In addition, it pays back the expenses sustained due to injury or illness, which most certainly pays the healthcare provider of the insured individual. In other words, Health care insurance is a contract between a customer and a company, where the company agrees to pay insured individuals’ healthcare expenses in return for a monthly premium payment.

However, abiding by this privilege, some scammers obtain the advantage of individuals by gaining sensitive information through Healthcare scams. Although healthcare scams are widespread, they target individuals as well as a few businesses by causing millions of dollars in losses every year. Generally, healthcare scams are conducted by scammers posing as medical providers, patients, or other individuals who intentionally deceive the healthcare system to receive personal and fiscal information of an individual for claiming unlawful benefits or payments through prevailing deceptive activities.

What are some of the Healthcare scams?

  • Delusional Billing scam – It is one of the most common healthcare scams where a scammer claiming to be a healthcare provider demands payment for products and services they have never provided to the patient.
  • Double Billing scam – Scammers posing as healthcare providers often use this technique by submitting multiple claims or bills for similar services repeatedly.
  • Fake Health Insurance scams – In this fraud, scammers connect with the victim to sell their healthcare insurance policies that include premium services at a minimal price, which are typically not legitimate.
  • Upcoding scam – Also known as overpricing, scammers generate bills for expensive products and services that patients have not received during the claiming procedure or which is not mentioned in their service provider policies.
  • Authoritative imposters – Scammers posing as government officials approaching victims through a call or sending an email to inquire about the healthcare insurance plan they have opted for and it’s status. They will impose several reasons that it is essential to keep track of the insurance plan, but in reality, they only need to acquire your information for fraudulent purposes.

How to Avoid a Healthcare Scam?

  1. If a person approaches you and provides you with healthcare services with unbelievable offers, beware it might feel suspicious. Avoid these offers because legitimate insurance service providers bestow the aids as per their company policies which is reliable to them as well as to their consumers.
  2. Do not give out your personal or medical information to anyone except your healthcare issuer or service provider. Avoid unsolicited calls obtained from different numbers because legitimate insurance firms consist of 1-2 numbers to deal with their consumers.
  3. Suppose a person approaches you with a ‘free’ healthcare insurance offer; avoid the offer as their main motive is to acquire your attention and information through these fraudulent offers and utilize it for personal or further deceptive purposes. 
  4. Suppose a healthcare insurance firm outlook all the feasible services but doesn’t want any authorities to know about it, evade this kind of scheme as every firm must notify the government agencies about the product and services they provide.
  5. The explanation of benefits (EOB) details the amount the healthcare or medical insurance firm will priory pay for the services, and then the insured person is liable to pay the amount provided. However, if a healthcare insurance firm does not serve you an accurate bill of the service provided, ensure to report to them.

How to protect yourself from a Healthcare Scam?

  • Before concerning any medical or healthcare services from a firm, contact your trusted doctor or any health professional with similar knowledge in this industry. Protect yourself if the professionals do not agree that the services or products provided to you are legitimate.
  • Suppose you have been offered a healthcare scheme that should not be disclosed to anyone; refrain from acknowledging it immediately. Priory take concern from your close ones or the experts from the field. Refrain from jumping to conclusions immediately without cross-examining.
  • Inspect with the Better Business Bureau or local attorney organizations to see whether other consumers have lodged complaints about the product or the services of the marketer you are considering.
  • Consider the legitimate healthcare professional groups as they provide common chapters that can provide you with several resource materials about your disease.
  • Protect yourself from an offer that seems too good to be true because it is most prominently a scam. Scammers imply fraudulent schemes comparatively more feasible than legitimate healthcare or medical insurance firms.

What to do if a Healthcare Scam has scammed you?

Unfortunately, if you have encountered a Healthcare scam and have been defrauded into giving out personal and medical details, then abide by the below steps to recover your essentials:-

  • Get in touch with the following healthcare insurance company you have registered for. Log in to your account to get help from them. They might be able to stop the transfer before it goes through.
  • Contact your bank and credit card authority, and ask them to block accounts or try to reverse the transaction if that is conceivable.
  • You can also report the scam to law enforcement or local officials. Provide them with every detail of the fraud and evidence used during the procedure.
  • Guide yourself about the scams and frauds that are taking place in recent times. Moreover, various consumer protection and government-authorized websites have scams listed and strategies based on how to overcome them.


Healthcare Scams are not confined to a single region; they have been widespread throughout the world. As it is a sensitive issue, scammers mainly target the elderly who require healthcare insurance or treatments as they grow elderly. Although, if you want legitimate medical or healthcare insurance or treatment, research online on official accounts or governmental websites where you will find a list, or you can ask your family or friends that you can trust if they have any experience in this industry. However, it is essential to look after yourself and the well-being of your loved ones and stay safe from these scams.

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