How to Keep Critters from Damaging Your Roof

Roofs are integral to your home, and if critters are currently damaging yours, you need to know how to prevent making the problem worse or even totally undoing the fixes you have already performed. Having critters to continue ruining your roof is the last thing you want.

Luckily, it is not a major challenge to take care of your roof and keep critters from damaging it.

Trim the Branches of Your Trees

Trees are a significant source of critter damage, mainly when the limbs grow over your roof. Branches of trees are ideal entry points for critters, as they allow easy access to the roof. The easiest way for them to reach your roof is by chewing on the branches, and they can even get into the attic if the branches are not trimmed.

If your trees are close to your home, they provide easy access to your roof. Moreover, they can cause damage to your roof if they get into the attic. To prevent this problem, you can trim the branches of your trees and keep them away from your home.

You also considered removing trees too close to your home. Therefore, it is essential to keep the branches trimmed and healthy. If you’re not sure how to properly trim the branches of your trees, you can hire a professional to do it for you.

Repair the Shingles

An excellent way to prevent critters from gaining access to your roof is to make sure there are no loose shingles on your roof. These are great places for small animals to enter your attic. The last thing you want is for a tiny animal to start breeding on your roof or in your home.

Birds, on the other hand, provide free insect control. But birds can still cause damage by gnawing at the shingles, so you should keep your attic and roof clear of trash. Larger animals will gnaw on shingles and wood to reach softwood.

If you have any loose shingles on your roof, you may be attracting raccoons and other critters. If you find loose shingles on your roof, replace them with new ones as well as carry out additional roof hole repair.

If your existing vents are damaged, cover them with a wire mesh to keep them out. If they’re gnawing on the shingles, make sure the vents are secure and covered with a wire mesh to avoid any further damage. If you live in a windy area, make sure to remove any trash so that it won’t attract critters.

Clean Your Gutters Regularly

The debris in gutters is an ideal breeding ground for insects and other wildlife. These creatures prefer organic materials and can use your gutter as a nest. Cleaning the gutters regularly will prevent them from nesting in the gutter.

It would help if you were careful to trim branches near the roof so that they do not have easy access to your gutters. Besides removing fallen leaves and twigs, trimming branches away from the roof can keep extra debris out of the gutters.

According to Fines Homes and Living, keeping the gutters clean can help prevent animals from living in your home. Having a clean, well-maintained gutter is essential to the health of your home.

Dirty gutters can attract several critters and even create nests for birds and squirrels. If you have any leftover food, rotting debris in your gutters will attract insects and lead to the need for costly repairs.

Seal Holes on the Roof

The best way to prevent animals from entering your attic is to seal up all holes and cracks. A quarter-sized hole is enough to gain entry if you have squirrels, raccoons, or other wildlife. Larger animals will gnaw on shingles and wood to reach softwood.

You can also install a squirrel guard on nearby tree trunks or poles. These guards are made of slippery metal and prevent animals from climbing them. Aside from caulking holes, it would help if you also placed metal sheeting around the corners of your home. You can install a chimney cap to prevent critters from gaining access to your attic.


If you’ve already had an infestation, ask a professional pest control expert for advice about dealing with the problem. It’s best to act fast before it gets out of hand, and remember, even if there’s no infestation at the moment, it’s still wise to be vigilant.

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